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Move | Connect | Create | Thrive

Practice with us

Practice with Flow Wellness in a fun, safe and educative environment. Build confidence and connection with yourself and others through learning yoga and embodied meditation techinques. Taking inspiration from nature, our offerings infuse movement and grounding practices, which can be tailored to individual and groups needs. All sessions are suitable for everyone, no experience of yoga or meditation is required, with full explanation of practices provided.



  • Nurture Yourself - one-on-one coaching to discover self-care practices to support your wellbeing

  • Guided meditation

  • Functional flow yoga (on a mat)

  • Chair yoga and stretches for office environments

  • Online or in person classes and sessions

  • Nature events


Suitable for:

  • Individuals

  • Community groups

  • Corporate organisations

  • Schools


Flow Wellness is led by Aleisha Keating, a qualified yoga and meditation teacher, with a background in environmental science and sustainability education. She loves the outdoors, hiking, riding bikes, attempting to grow food and concocting treats in the kitchen.


Aleisha is passionate about creating opportunities for people to connect with nature, to learn simple, effective ways to support their well-being, to create community and have fun while doing it.


Relevant qualifications:

  • Yoga Alliance certified 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Anusara Yoga with Julie Smerdon

  • Yoga Alliance certified 130 hours Meditation Teacher Training Immersion in Innate Meditation with Alison Potts at Innate Being

  • Inspired Kids Calm Coach Training
    Level 2 - 22 hours


"What a lovely way to end a day and to relax with yoga in a chair and learn how to improve your posture, attitude and outlook all through applying some simple exercises. Aleisha’s class was extremely beneficial to the whole team and we will definitely apply these gentle practices going forward."

~Jen Scoular, CEO New Zealand Avocado

Our Services

  • Individuals - event registration & membership

    29 Australian dollars
  • Organisation membership (up to 5 employees)

  • Optimal Lifestyle Coaching

    1 hr

    80 Australian dollars
  • Wellness activities tailored to your organisation

    1 hr

    Price negotiable
  • One-on-one tailored embodied meditation practice for self connection

    30 min

    50 Australian dollars
  • Let's discuss ways I could support you and your organisation

    15 min


For yoga and meditation classes (in person and online), contact Aleisha directly at .

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