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Four Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste

A few weeks back I had the opportunity to help Juiced TV and OzHarvest make a short film about food waste and why it is important to waste less food in our homes. Juiced TV is an inspirational initiative where young patients at the Queensland Children’s Hospital make films on a range of topics which are then available for other patients to watch during their time in hospital.

The Juiced TV Eco-Warriors episode features how to turn garbage into art; a quest to protect the turtles; and Lorelei, Xavier and Cadel explain why we should try not to waste food, concocting some tasty ‘odds and ends fritters’ with leftover vegies in the process. Lorelei, Zavier and Cadel’s message is:

LOOK at what you already have in your fridge or pantry before you go shopping

BUY only what you need

STORE food correctly to keep it fresher for longer or use your freezer to keep food for later use

COOK what you have at home and share it with others. Yum!!

Check it the film here, the food waste section is first up! I was lucky enough to play a supporting role in helping make the ‘yummy odds and ends fritters’. Thanks OzHarvest and JuicedTV for the opportunity!

Eco-Warriors on JuicedTV

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