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Listen to selected meditation and poetry created by Aleisha


Being Present with Rain

Guided Meditation

Rain often brings a disruption, we can become acutely aware of it. This meditation explores being present with your body, emotions and sensations using the rain as a backdrop, inviting you to be curious with yourself.

Revitalised by the Ocean

Guided Meditation

The ocean offers many recreational, ecological, nutritional and restorative benefits. Inspired by the ocean's waves, you are invited to connect with the ocean’s movement as a source of rejuvenation and revitalisation. 


Flow Like Water

Guided Meditation

This meditation uses the flowing aspect of water alongside embodiment and breath based practices to explore possibilities for flowing like water, moving around challenges in our lives. 

Be You


Inside each of us

Lies a wise soul

An inner knowing

That knows which way to go.

Image by Gilles Rolland-Monnet



Feel the earth

Beneath you

Within you

Surrounding you Papatūānuku*

The Earth Mother

Relaxation for Busy People

Guided Meditation

I wrote this meditation in response to a request from a friend with young children, who just needs some time to relax. I think this meditation will be relevant to anyone who leads a busy life!

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