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Micro-Practices for Busy People

Integrate balance, vitality, harmony to your life by learning simple, short, effective practices to support yourself during busy times

  • Do you feel like you have no time for yourself?

  • Does life feel like a constant rush to fit things in?

  • Does the thought of having to find more time in your day for self-care worry you?

  • Would you like to learn simple ways to support your well-being?

  • Are you keen to learn different ways to connect with yourself, your body and your breath?

  • Would you like to have fun learning some short practices?

  • Would you like to connect with others interested in supporting their well-being?


Beautiful human, you are worth it! Even if you feel like you don't have time, you deserve care and attention. The great thing is, that many practices don't take long and they can make a significant difference to your quality of life! Join me on this four week exploration of micro-practices starting in April 2023.



"What a beautiful course! Aleisha has mindfully created each week to cover some incredibly powerful content. I know I will continue with some of these practises through my daily life. Thanks for sharing this Aleisha!"

Why have I created this course?​

I'm a notorously busy person, I have lived much of my life in overdrive, constantly juggling work, family, study, social, sporting and volunteering commitments. I have worked in busy work environments, where I was usually in action mode and struggled to process my stress. In my spare time I have often sought out high adrenalin activities like competitive swimming and mountain biking. As my body was used to action, it also became familiar with stress and adrenalin, and was prone to injuries. About ten years ago I was drawn to yoga; it provided me with a contrast to the high action state and my body started to heal from injuries. Interestingly as I became more balanced physically, I also cherished the space and clarity yoga gave me mentally. More recently, I've learnt so many tools from meditation practices which support my nervous system. While I still love action and exploring the outdoors, I also recognise the importance of rest and recovery. 


People often say that they have no time for meditation but also that they are incredibly busy, burnout and stressed. The fantastic thing is that you don't need much time for micro-practices. They are short, simple and effective ways of supporting your well-being; many of them can be integrated into your day. You just need to dedicate a few conscious moments practicing. I have created this course for especially for busy people like me. People who would like to improve their well-being through learning how to nourish themselves.

This is the first time in my life that I have been able to meditate, and it looks completely different from what I had in mind. If you want to start a fun and effective meditation practice, Aleisha's toolbox will truly surprise you.

Diana F

Aleisha is a wonderful meditation teacher. Her loving, kind and non-judgemental attitude puts you at ease.

Gen W

Aleisha helped me to realise how meditation can be merged into everyday life without having to spend hours in a traditional meditation pose. I have been able to meditate whilst at work without my colleagues knowing, and have noticed improved focus and job satisfaction!

Jen H


Course Contents

  • 4 week course

  • Learn 7 micro-practices

  • Audio recording of each practice

  • Journaling and reflection questions (pdf download)

  • Weekly zoom call (optional). Call will be recorded.

  • Participant only WhatsApp group - ask questions and connect with others also implementing new practices

Week 1

  • Welcome and Meet Your Teacher

  • What are Micro-Practices and Why are They Important?

  • Practice 1 – Amplify Blissful Moments - includes one practice, plus explanation of the science behind the practice & further resources (5 mins)

Week 2

  • Practice 2 – Your Body, Your Rhythms - includes 2 individual practices (7 mins)

Week 3

  • Practice 3 – Ground Yourself - includes 2 individual practices plus bonus poetry recording (9 mins)

Week 4

  • Practice 4 – Breathe with Life - Includes 2 individual practices plus bonus poetry recording (10 mins)​


Investment: $49 (AUD)

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